联系人:余小燕 18016070061/15216878467
Japan NITCHI electric hoist the introduction of domestic and foreign advanced technology. High efficiency electromagnetic contactor. Can be used high frequency. There is no problem. The Japanese NITCHI electric hoist unique reverse device. When the power supply wiring error. Control circuit will not work. Ensure the machine is not damaged by the reverse current. Safe. Japan NITCHI electric hoist use waterproof switch button switch. Portable and durable. Japan NITCHI electric hoist durable. Low repair rate. Workshop is a good helper. Japan NITCHI electric hoist products are mainly sold to Europe, the United States and other developed countries and regions. In the domestic key projects and is widely used in large and medium-sized enterprises. Japan NITCHI electric hoist can also in beams for the rail electric single food. Manual single-beam. Bridge. Hanging. Cantilever. Such as gantry crane. Japan NITCHI electric hoist is widely used in the factory. Warehouse. Dock. Plants. Lumber and other occasions. Japan NITCHI electric hoist industrial and mining enterprises preferred.
Shanghai YuYing lifting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Atten: sunmer 18016070061/15216878467
Tel: 021-67866730
Fax: 021-67715051
E-mail: yyjixie@126.com
E-mail2: zhurong@gks-cn.com
Add: Shanghai city Songjiang District town Jiuting Shenglong Road No. 751 5#402
P.C: 201615